Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus (1907). William Fitch Allen

- Author: William Fitch Allen
- Published Date: 10 Sep 2010
- Publisher: Kessinger Publishing
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Hardback::118 pages
- ISBN10: 1169249167
- ISBN13: 9781169249165
- Publication City/Country: United States
- File size: 11 Mb
- Dimension: 178x 254x 8mm::426g Download Link: Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus (1907)
Download ebook Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus (1907). Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region in the Head. Region of the Ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus file PDF Book only if you are registered here. And The Ganoids, Polyodon And Lepisosteus (1907) in Irish PDF. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus (1907) William Fitch Allen, 9781120276278, Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Tail Region of Lepisosteus. the Head Region of the Ganoids Polyodon and Lepisosteus. It was an. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids the head region of the ganoids, polyodon and lepisosteus book. Happy reading Lepisosteus Identifier: distributionofsu00alle Year: 1907 (1900s) Distribution Last ned book pdfs Distribution Of The Subcutaneous Vessels In The Head Region Of The Ganoids, Polyodon And Lepisosteus (1907) 1162123125 på norsk Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus (1907) William Fitch Allen, 9781166575410, Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the Ganoids Polyodon and Lepisosteus. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sc.9, 79 (1907).Google Scholar. Allen Download this stock image: Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus (1907) (20353867754) The distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of Polyodon, which is a cartilaginous Ganoid, and Lepisosteus, a bony Ganoid, admits of so little comparison, that it seems advisable to consider this system of vessels separately in each case, rather than to take them up together in a comparative way. Full text of "Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus" See other formats 1907 Fishes PROCEEDINGS WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol. IX, pp. 79-158 Plates I-XV July 31, 1907,>^i DISTRIBUTION OF THE SUBCUTANEOUS VESSELS IN THE HEAD REGION OF THE GANOIDS, POLYODON AND LEPISOSTEUS. The subcutaneous tissue also called the hypodermis, hypoderm subcutis, or superficial fascia, It contains larger blood vessels and nerves than those found in the dermis. Vessels on route from the dermis; The glandular part of some sweat glands; fat is the layer of subcutaneous tissue that is most widely distributed. Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus. [William Fitch Allen] Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus. Washington, D.C., The Academy, 1907 (DLC) 08020293 Figure 20 shows the oral region of a Polyodon larva, with two rows of conical teeth erupting in the upper jaw and a single row in the lower jaw (see also Bemis & Grande 1992). In large adult Polyodon, however, (>25 kg) teeth are not visible from the surface of the bone, and sections show that they are completely embedded in the jaw. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region the head region of the ganoids, polyodon and lepisosteus book. Happy Publication date 1907. The innervated layer of smooth muscle in the veins in mammals plays a part in the Allen, W. F. (1907). The head region of the ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus. Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the tail region of Lepisosteus. Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the ganoids, Polyodon and Lepisosteus. Add this to your Mendeley library Publication info. Washington, D.C.,Washington Academy of Sciences,1907. 1907 Allen, William F. 1906. Distribution of the Lymphatics in the Head, and in the Dorsal, Pectoral, and Ventral Fins of Scorpaenichthys marmoratus. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 8:41-90. Allen, William F. 1907. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, polyodon and lepisosteus. It also anastomoses with the posterior dural plexus. These blood-vessels and their communications can be recognized in embryos 20 mm. Pix. Chor Cerebe Cartilage Utriculus dolymph. Ty m p a n u m Ductus cochlearis Sinus transver-us Fig. 3 Sagittal section through the ear region of a human fetus 52 mm. Long (No. 448, Carnegie Collection). FISH PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME X Gills Part A Anatomy, Gas Transfer, and Acid-Base Regulation This Page Intentionally Left Blank FISH PHYSIOLOGY Edited W. S. HOAR DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA VANCOUVER, CANADA Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids the head region of the ganoids, polyodon and lepisosteus book. Happy reading Polyodon and. Lepisosteus (1907) William Fitch Allen from Amazon's. Allen, William F. 1907. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Head Region of the Ganoids, polyodon and lepisosteus. Proceedings of the Washington
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